суббота, 28 февраля 2015 г.

Shopaman Erfahrungen

What is Your Worst Fear When It Comes to Dating at This Age?

Go ahead, answer the question above. It’s going to be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s also going to be your biggest excuse for staying away from dating. Why? Because this is where you also fear being rejected the most. This is where you feel rejection would hurt the most.

Take a look at the list below. These are the most common excuses I hear as a dating coach. Chances are if you’re nervous about jumping into the dating world again, one of these issues is the culprit.

I’m not as pretty as I was in my 20’s. I’ve put on weight. I haven’t gone to the gym in years. No guy in their right mind would find me attractive. I have wrinkles…men hate wrinkles!

There aren’t any good guys left to date at my age. That’s right, all the good ones are taken. They got married years ago and are in great relationships living in suburbs in houses with white picket fences. They’ve got beautiful children who go to private schools 5 minutes away from where they live. Anyone I’d meet now is bottom-of-the-barrel material…oh God am I bottom-of-the-barrel material?!

I’m a package deal who comes with kids, cats, and dogs. I’ve got a train of other people and animals following me around. I would feel guilty if I brought someone else into the house. How can I spend money and time on dating when I have kids to think of? And even if a guy accepts me, how will he accept everyone else who comes with me? Don’t guys hate responsibility anyway?

No guy wants to deal with a divorcee. If I tell him I’m divorced, he’ll wonder if I’m some kind of train wreck waiting to happen. Plus, my ex is still around, either paying child support or picking up the kids on weekends. How weird would it be if they met each other?

I’m up to my ears with work, and guys want more attention from me than I can give. I’m really hitting my stride at the office and now might not be the best time to start dating. I’m lonely but I guess that’s the way it has to be.

Any of this sound familiar? If it does, then don’t worry. In Chapter 2 I’ll show you how you can turn every one of these fears into benefits. No joke - the fears you have inside of you making you certain that you’re un-dateable are the very things a guy may find attractive about you. You just don’t realize it yet!